St Denys’ children are encouraged to live healthy lifestyles and adopt safe practices. Our safeguarding policies and practices help to ensure that they are safe, happy and healthy.
School policies are in place to ensure that there is a consistent approach to practices throughout the school and that they are followed by Staff, Governors and Volunteers.
Adults have a tremendous impact on young children and with this in mind adults at St Denys:
- Are good role models for children
- Enjoy their work and working with children
- Are conscientious and hard-working
- Recognise and value strengths in each other and use these to support everyone
- Work within agreed policies of the school
- Promote a happy, caring and safe school
- Encourage children to think for themselves, ask questions and find answers
- Create an environment of trust whereby children are trusted to work seriously
- Challenge and support children in their learning.
Child Protection:
This is a sensitive area in which all staff receive regular training. We work with other services for children and families to support the needs of our children. There is also a named governor for Safeguarding which includes Child Protection.
Please click the link below to read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, along with our Code of Conduct.
School Contacts:
If a parent, carer or member of the public has any safeguarding concerns about a pupil attending St Denys, the person to speak to in school is:
Mrs. Cheryl Sargeant, Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
In her absence, the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are:
- Mr. T Harley (Deputy Headteacher)
- Mrs. C Webster (SENDCo)
- Mrs. S King (SEND Resource Base Leader)
- Mrs. L Kirk (ELSA)
All can be contacted by ringing the school office on 01530 260004
Operation Encompass:
St Denys CE Infant School is an Operation Encompass school.
Operation Encompass is a protocol whereby schools are formally notified of any reported incident of domestic violence at an address at which children are present or normally resident. It is run in partnership with Leicestershire County Council and with Leicestershire Police.
All public agencies currently share information where there are safeguarding concerns or risk of harm to children and the Police now share information about all incidents of domestic abuse through Operation Encompass.
To further support the welfare of children, when any domestic abuse incident has been reported to the Police during the school term and one of our pupils was in the household, the information is shared with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
This system has been introduced because domestic abuse in a household can have a huge impact on children, even if they do not see what is happening.
This information will be used to ensure the school is able to provide appropriate support to pupils. The information will remain confidential and will only be shared on a strictly need-to-know basis. For example, with the class teacher. It will not be shared with children.
If you are worried a child is being abused or neglected:
If a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 straight away.
Other Contacts:
It’s not always easy to know if a child or young person is being abused or neglect. You might’ve noticed bruises but aren’t sure if they’re from playing or from being physically abused. Or you might be worried a child is being neglected because you often hear them crying in distress.
Knowing the signs of abuse can help. But it’s important to remember that every child is different. The NSPCC’s Support And Advice can help you decide what to do if you’re worried about a child.
If you are worried about a child and they are NOT in immediate danger, there are a few things you can do:
Contact Leicestershire County Councils Child Protection and Safeguarding Department:
Contact Leicestershire County Council’s Safeguarding webpage. Here you can directly report the abuse or neglect of a child.
Contact the NSPCC:
NSPCC telephone lines are open Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm and 9am – 6pm at the weekend. You can contact them online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 0808 800 5000 or email Help@Nspcc.Org.Uk.
Contact Childline:
Children can talk to ChildLine about anything. No problem is too big or too small. Call ChildLine free on 0800 1111 or get in touch online. However children choose to contact ChildLine, they’re in control. It’s confidential and they don’t have to give their name if they don’t want to. You can visit the Child Line website here.
Further Information relating to Safeguarding:
Children’s attendance at school is monitored on a daily basis and notable absences or patterns of absences are followed up. It is crucial that children attend school every day and St Denys has a strict policy on unauthorised absence and requests for extended holiday.
High standards of behaviour are expected in our school. Our behaviour policy can be viewed in our policies section and sets out how we promote good behaviour and deal with any problems. St Denys children are reminded about school rules and they know that we have them in order for everyone to be happy and keep safe.
Health and Safety
Everyone at St Denys knows they have a responsibility to ensure children and adults are able to work in a healthy and safe environment. We complete risk assessments regularly to ensure our premises are safe and we have several first aiders who deal with any illnesses and accidents should they occur.
Through the planned curriculum, we ensure that the issues of healthy eating, physical exercise and safety are taught. This aspect is enhanced by themed events and many visitors to school e.g. Police Officers and Road Safety Officers who talk to the children about key issues.
All of our staff and children are aware of the best practice around E Safety and we regularly draw attention to existing local and national guidance on this subject so that we can maintain the safest possible learning and working environments for children and staff alike. We encourage parents to also ensure this is practised within the home.
Acceptable use of Technology
At St Denys, we believe technology helps prepare children for their future world. We use technology throughout the curriculum in order to provide children with additional opportunities which enhance their learning. Technology is only ever used for this benefit and never for any other reasons.
Safer Recruitment and Selection
This aspect is taken very seriously. St Denys CE Infant School ensures that all staff new to the school and volunteers who work in school on a regular basis have the appropriate checks prior to taking up post e.g. a DBS check. At all staff appointments at least one of the appointment panel is Safer Recruitment Trained.
If parents have any complaints, senior leaders will listen to the concerns and will follow up any issues. The school is committed to working closely with parents / carers for the benefit of the children. For details of our complaints policy, please visit our policies section.