St Denys CE Infant School is committed to the inclusion of all children including those with Special Educational Needs. We pride ourselves on the philosophy that students are recognised as individuals, each with their different strengths, weaknesses and individual learning styles. We welcome all children and foster an ethos which celebrates children’s differences and the talents of all. We believe that every child is unique and each and every one of our children has something very special to offer our school community.
A child has special educational needs if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age, or if they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from accessing the curriculum provided in school. We are committed to providing high quality education for all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We have strong systems for the early identification of pupils with SEND and always welcome and work in partnership with parents and carers.
We have dedicated SEND leaders in place and endeavour to provide high quality and innovative resources, support and challenge to children with specific educational needs or a specific disability which may impact on their learning. We aim to ensure all pupils aspire for excellence and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We provide a positive, stimulating & nurturing environment.
If you are concerned about your child’s progress or are considering St Denys for your child who has an identified need, please contact the school’s SENDCo to discuss how we can help your child to flourish as they grow into an independent young person.
Please click on the links below for further information about the SEND provision at St Denys CE Infant School.
You can email with any questions.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service
SENDIASS is a impartial, confidential and independent support service for both parents of children/ young people with SEND and children/ young people with SEND.
They can offer support to:
- Parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 – 25 in Leicestershire who are concerned about their child/young persons educational progress
- Children and young people aged 0 – 25 in Leicestershire with SEND Who are concerned about the educational progress they are making or the support they are receiving
Please visit their website below to find out more about the support and services they can offer.
Independent advice for special educational needs and disability (SEND)