Our School-Church Partnership
The school works closely with our local church St Denys of Ibstock to ensure that our pupils receive both a first class education and the spiritual guidance that will help them to change our school and Christian values into personal virtues.
The headteacher meets every half term with the Christian Ethos Committee (which includes members from the church) to discuss joint projects, collective worship, services and opportunities to work together to enhance our children’s experiences. This has been really successful with the school attending and contributing to services for Harvest, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ascension.
Reverend Andrew Hartropp is an ex-officio member of the school governing body and the Rector at Ibstock St Denys Church and Heather Church. The church regularly lead collective worship in the school and come along to join us for special days and occasions.

Messy Church
On the 3rd Friday of each month, during term time, the school, in collaboration with St Denys Church hosts ‘Messy Church’. Children and families from the local community are all welcome to attend.
What is Messy Church?
It’s church, but not as you know it. Every month thousands of people of all ages come together to discover Jesus, including those who’ve never been to church before. In over 30 countries around the world, we eat, play and worship together. Expect activities, songs and prayers and an entirely new way to express your faith.
Messy church…
- is a way of being church for people of all ages involving fun
- is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour
- is found across the world
- values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration
- is part of BRF which believes, with the historic churches, in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Introducing Messy Church Video
Open the Book
On the 2nd Thursday of each month, St Denys are so fortunate to have an ‘Open the Book’ team to visit the school and deliver collective worship.
What is Open the Book?
Open the Book is an exciting storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. As invited guests in school, storytelling teams use the Open the Book programme to prepare and present a 10 to 15-minute scripted Bible story to a school assembly, involving the children as much as possible.
Storytelling teams are made up of trained and safely recruited volunteers from local churches and organisations, who sign up to follow the Open the Book Code of Practice.
Introducing Open the Book Video