School Council
What is a School Council?
Our School Council allows pupil voice to be an integral part of the curriculum and for all children in all classes to share their ideas/feedback. Our School Council acts as a communication team between the children in school and the school leadership.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Collating ideas from each of the classes
- Making sure children’s voices and opinions throughout the school are listened to and where possible acted upon
- Organising fund-raising activities
- Hosting events and greeting important visitors
- Advertising our events
- Helping school leaders to make decisions like which teachers will work at our school
- Meeting with Governors of our school to tell them what the children think
Eco Council
What is an Eco Council?
St Denys CE Infant School is striving to ensure that can be an Eco School, looking after our environment, being Eco-friendly and ensuring we are energy efficient. We strive to teach all our children the importance of preserving both their local and global environment. The Eco-Council are children who have a love for the environment and have volunteered to help the staff and children at St Denys become more environmentally friendly. They play an active role helping the school become more eco-friendly and they come up with new ideas on how to promote sustainability at home as well as at school.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Collating ideas from each of the classes
- Recycling
- Planting
- Promoting Energy Efficiency
- Organising Eco-friendly activities
- Working towards the Green Tree School’s Award
- Helping school leaders to make decisions about Eco related issues
- Meeting with Governors of our school to update them on the progress of our school in becoming an Eco-friendly School/Green Tree School.
House Team Captains
What are House Team Captains?
The House Captains are role models for the children in their house and have volunteered to help the children in their House to organise and collect House Points. They play an active role in championing their House teams through planning events and sports competitions.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Collect and count-up House points daily, weekly and termly.
- Take part in meetings to make decisions about House competitions.
- Help staff to organise House reward events.
- Help organise House competitions including Sports Day
- Lead a House assembly
Friendship Ambassadors
What are Friendship Ambassadors?
The Friendship ambassadors are children who have a passion for helping and supporting others and have volunteered to help the children at St Denys to never be without a friend. They play an active role in supporting children who are lonely on the playground. They also help to raise awareness of bullying and they come up with new ideas on how to promote the Anti-bullying message at St Denys.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Support children on the playground
- Be a good role model for others
- Support children in your class who need a friend
- Lead an assembly about Friendship
- Take part in virtual meetings to make decisions.
- Judge Anti-bullying day competitions